If you know me, then you know I am not a fan of snakes, at
ALL. I don't like the good, the bad, and they are
UGLY in my book. In fact, I don't really even like DEAD snakes. I don't like them here or there, I don't like them anywhere. I have done my share of running over them growing up down my parent's long lane. They seem to have a plethora of poisonous snakes; I still wear a rattlesnake belt that my brother(age 13 at the time) killed in our front yard. Again I know that might be shallow of me and if I lived in Maine, or somewhere else North then I would probably brake for them and let them cross in peace. I have even gardened a couple of years with a little garden snake and I knew approximately where he lived in my lush shade garden, but it never changed my reaction. He always scared the livin' ---- out of me, as I immediately screamed __ __ __ T !*@! That seems to be my word of choice, when I'm scared ----less, or mad as hell. We all have our "word" and that is mine. It could worse. It could be better. It is what it is. Right, Carol! Anyway, I think gardening in peace and harmony went out with the bath water as I grabbed a hoe that day and took care of business. No Mas. Sorry dude, I tried. Then you have to remove the snake. If you ever get to see me remove a snake, you might want to put on some Depends. My movement is somewhere between Elaine's dance from Seinfeld, a convulsion, a spasm, and a giant shiver. My facial expression is just downright ugly, think Don Knotts. My mouth is absolutely dreadful, think Tourette's Syndrome. I know when I meet my Maker he will probably want to have a conversation about this.
HE won't win.
HE could probably change my mind, but not the heart. Thankfully,
HE is a loving and forgiving
GOD... Besides, if
HE had put me in the Garden of Eden then we might still be there, living in peace and harmony. I would have had nothing to do with that SNAKE and certainly
WOULDN'T be shooting the ---- with him,
PERIOD. Secondly, I love being Naked- very natural as
GOD intended! Anyway, the point of all this explanation is to show y'all some pictures of what my friend Sally got to witness when she was in Alabama at a hunting lodge. These "lovely" creatures were living underground ,at the front steps, going into this lodge. Apparently someone saw one come out and shot it. Then another one came out.
BOOM. Then some gasoline was involve. I 'm sure some more shooting, and so on and so forth. Needless to say, T
HANK GOD I wasn't there because I would have been
SOUNDING like a sailor.
P.S. While we are on the subject of "lovely" creatures...this bad boy(13ft.+) was recently killed in a beautiful river less than an hour from my house. I won't be going there anytime soon either.