Friday, April 23, 2010

Labor of Love


I love this little seed company. I pour over their catalog in the winter months, and I refer to it all spring and summer long. Their seeds are amazing. Last summer, I probably had 50+ volunteer tomato plants sprout up from the previous season. I dug them up and transplanted them. I put them in peat pots and gave them away. It was crazy. Here is my compost bin from a few days ago and yes, those are Matt's Wild Cherry Tomatoes growing out of the vents. You just got to love them and I do, I do, I do! Go check them out here.

Crap! Crap! Crap! Not my idea of Organic Crap! Damn Cat!

Just planted a whole bed of Basil, all seed, except the four plants that some Basil Goddess or God left on my front stoop yesterday. Thank you. I would love to return the LOVE with some Matt's Cherry Tomatoes, so let me know who you are.


Why do cats gravitate to the newest, nicest, upholstery, cushions, or bedding? These two brothers, Boo and Radley, were simultaneously sleeping in two different locals, but on my latest house projects- blue and white ticking on the front porch, and ice blue velvet on an antique chair. Yes, of course, I let them stay there as long as they wished and gave them some love to boot. They are so cute.

Have a great, laid back weekend, Nan

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