Friday, September 24, 2010

What ya doing this weekend...

    Forgive me Father, for I am about to SIN!  My family is heading down to the SWAMP, and they are urging me to attend.

                                        HEAR NO GATORS(EVIL)!
                                          SEE NO GATORS(EVIL)!
                                     SPEAK TO NO GATORS(EVIL)!

This is  me pleading with my boys, " Why! Why! Why must you wear so much ORANGE and BLUE!"

                                       GATOR FANS - Scary and Ugly too.

Alright, enough TRASH TALK.  I love to talk a little smack though.  I think it is fun to ruffle people's feathers about football.  I think these prints are  also so fun and  so affordable.  $8.50 each here.  There are some pretty ones as well, they just didn't go with my story line.  Y'all have a great one, Nan


  1. Maybe I will see you there! Gator fan I am not, but I will do anything for some live college football. Living 35 minutes from Gainesville means that more often than not it is a Gator game. I will be in the West stands. Safe travels to you and yours. --Kristen W. (Old Love Street 'Villian)

  2. Nan:

    This is nothing but crass commercialism under the guise of school spirit, and as you stated, "trash talking." I saw you at the GATOR game and you inner-Gator showed through! Your smile and laughter were telling. I also saw your orange and blue undergarment showing through your Gulf coast shirt. It's time to liberate yourself, and let the Gator Growl! It could not have come at a better time, given the Dogs less than stellar performance.

    Love you always,

    Gator Dave
