Friday, September 17, 2010

What are you doing...

What are you doing this weekend?  My honey is returning home, so just a casual, couple of days, before he leaves us again.  What a Tease! Puh-lease!  This time, it is for work vs. chasing the elusive elk...

This weekend, I will be perusing this again...I had not heard about this new online mag - RUE.  I was a day late and a dollar short, but now I am in the "Know" and so are YOU.  It just debut yesterday.

I will be working over at our house and hopefully painting a chalkboard, on a side of our cabinet, so that I can apply one of these.  I'm also doing a custom one in charcoal gray for the boy's new bathroom upstairs.

I will be wishing for this kind of weather, as I work in my pitiful garden, getting it ready for some fall lettuce.

I will be dreaming of these boots that I desperately don't need.  Snap!  Have a great a great one and pop in the store and say "Hello", if you can.  All the Best,  Nan

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