Friday, May 7, 2010


  I don't know why I find this so funny, but I do.  Go here to see
the whole series of what Storm Troppers do on their day off?



This is THE shoe for my Moment.  Yes, after an hour I will
be barefoot, with my newly pedicured toes.

T.G.I.F.  I am not feeling that.  It is more like O.S.I.F., ( OH, SNAP IT'S FRIDAY)!@#$!!   Yes, I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off, and it is not my style, so I am a little frazzled.   A lot is going on this weekend. The store is especially busy with Mother's Day and Graduation.  I have to work a couple more hours in the morning, before we dash off to our neighbor's wedding at the beach. Her favorite beverage is Champagne and her father is French and a retired chef, so we will be drinking and eating very well.  If you haven't realized, I like to eat and drink, so I am excited.  I am ready for a little "moment", a pretty wedding, by a pretty pool, with the pretty ocean, with pretty food, sipping some yummy Champagne with pretty people.  I would like to have a pretty moment myself, a little Sarah Jessica Parker, ala Carrie  moment.  A moment, where if I was walking the streets of Soho, Scott Schuman might pause, not actually take my picture,  but just pause for a moment...that's all. Well, let me tell ya that isn't easy.  Who knew it was so much work to look natural; I have been working on looking natural for two weeks.  I have come to the conclusion, that it is not NATURAL to look this "NATURAL."  I have plucked, polished,whitened, exfoliated, exercised,lathered, slathered, and shaved my legs, where no Nan has shaved before, and never will again.  Crazy.  I even had a pedicure this morning, my third EVER.  It took over an hour, who has time for all that?  They look good, but GOOD GRIEF.  Anyway I am looking forward to a moment and a rare night away from the boys, but alot has to happen in between now and that moment, so have a great weekend, Nan

P.S.  Remember to fill up the blue bags for the Postman and the Food Drive tomorrow.


  1. darling!!!....
    natural is EASY! no shaving or plucking involved!

  2. O.K., Natural in a good way, not a scary way. I'll pluck you when you get here, don't you worry!
