Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo


If I was in Portland, Maine,  I would be here.

 I would be eating this and then some.


I would definitely be drinking this.  We ate here last 
summer after a Portland Seadogs game.  We ate the below  before
the game, at outdoor picnic tables with an amazing view.  The
boys would come eat a little and then go explore alot.  
If in Maine, this is a family  MUST.

Now you might have missed this old post about my bottom, after 
this trip and my trip to Scotland... you'll laugh, I promise.


Don't you worry, I will be celebrating, probably at my favorite
Mexican restaurant- Cocoaycan in Quitman, Georgia.  In honor of
Cinco de Mayo, they will have 2 for 1 Margaritas and free T-shirts 
to the first 50 customers who spend > than $15.  I need a D.D.
Any Volunteers?


What do you think of this?  I think it is interesting, especially 
since it is made entirely of crayons.  For more go here.


SOLD for 106.5 MILLION.  Now that is alot of PESOS!
Piscasso's "Nude, Green Leaves and Bust" set a new
record for a work of art sold at auction.  Maybe, a Major
League Baseball Player bought it.   
Happy Cinco de Mayo, Nan

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