Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Holy Batman, Robin!


I just came home from the grocery store and thought my bill was a little high.  I use to put my receipt in a drawing for free groceries, but I guess with the recession they decided to stop all that nonsense...any who.  Well, I actually looked at my receipt and care to guess?  No, it was not an organic tomato, in fact it was an "ugly" tomato, seriously an UGLY tomato!  Drumroll please...$4.64.  Four dollars and sixty-four CENTS for a TOMATO.   Well, hell's bells when you pay FOUR DOLLARS and SIXTY FOUR CENTS for a TOMATO, your bill is going to be high. Well, of course it was a good-looking tomato for being so damn ugly.  If I had not wanted the BLT of my dreams, and the idea of taking two boys to the grocery store at the end of the day did not repeal me, I would have taken it back.  Bad Publix Bad!  O.K., I'm still trying to justify the tomato, I am hoping that the arugula, red-tipped lettuce, basil from my garden, along with my Costco bacon will offset my fabulous B.L.T.  I should have taken a picture of the B.L.T., but considering that I gobbled it in an upright position seconds after I put the top on(bread) and gave it a good firm smash, as the splash of balsamic, generous smear of hellman's, layers of basil, arugula, lettuce, bacon out the wah-zoo, and  that tomato...Well, it was never to be plated or ever seen again.  However, I did take a picture of  THE TOMATO.  Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking your sandwich made the purchase worth it?! by the way, great pic.
