Friday, August 7, 2009

Closet Cat Lover

I know it probably appears that I have the potential of looking like a "freaky cat lady" by posting pictures of my cat.  Twice in three postings.  Crazy. Heaven forbid.  Here it goes...I love CATS.  I like DOGS.  That is seriously TABOO in the Ville, I know, but there you have it.  Indie, the cat had some particularly cute moments today and I of course being that "freaky cat lady" took some pictures.  I say that in jest, but this is a dogie dog town and you are in the dog house if you don't like them.  I have one dog.  His name is Jack.  He is a great dog.  We adopted him as an adult.  Why?  I prefer not to go through the puppy phase.  They can't be cute enough, especially when we had a two year old.  When you get a kitten, house training/breaking takes all of three seconds.  You put them in the litter box and voila you are done.  Keep them inside for a couple of months, so you can worry less about owls, hawks, cars, etc...and then get rid of the litter box altogether.   Now you can have a lame cat.  I currently have two.  They stay outside.  Indie does what she pleases.  She just turned one last month.  My boys spent two days trying to catch her.  It finally took a trip to the Humane Society for a trap to get her and she has been a kick ever since.  She loves high places- tops of closets and now much to my husband's chagrin, the newly completed bookcases.  That darn cat...we love her.

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